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Personal grants single mothers

These aids are requested from the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and are paid by the General Treasury of Social Security (TGSS) . Some consist of financial aid, others in bonuses or rights with which to reconcile work and family life.

It is an aid for cases of multiple birth or adoption both in large families, as in families formed by single mothers and families formed with a mother with a disability. In case of requesting it for multiple births, there is an income limit to request it.

This benefit could be requested for having a foster child or minors who are under 18 years of age, when the applicant did not exceed certain income limits. This aid has been absorbed and replaced as of June 2020 by the Minimum Vital Income , which offers better benefits and for a longer period of time.

In this case there is no income limit, but it is only necessary to prove the degree of disability, which will have to be at least 33%.

It is a benefit that is received during rest in the case of childbirth, adoption or fostering of a worker. Normally it is 16 weeks (2 more if the child has a disability), and a benefit equivalent to 100% of the contribution of the month prior to maternity is received.

When continuing in the job can be negative for the health of the pregnant worker, the fetus or the nursing baby, the company has to try to change the worker's position. If the change is not possible or the negative effect is not reduced, then the employment relationship will be suspended and this benefit will be received , which will be equivalent to the contribution base that is working.

When the reason for being a single mother is due to the death of the father, widowhood benefits or temporary widowhood benefits can be requested, depending on the case.

When it is necessary to hire a family caregiver to be able to reconcile family and work life, there is a 45% discount on Social Security contributions emergency cash for single mothers if the family is large and single-parent. In order to have this bonus, the single mother has to be self-employed or employed outside the home or be unable to work.

You can ask the company for permission for 1 hour a day to feed your child until he is 9 months old. This reduction in working hours can be accumulated and enjoyed at once, which usually equals 15 days, or can be enjoyed by leaving 30 minutes earlier. During this time the full salary will be received.

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